Thursday, May 2, 2013

Social media – A 4 step tool!

It has baffled me how many webinars and research articles come out that discuss “making social media work for you”. So here is one more. But, I want to give a tool, that can be applied, rather than just talk about “social media”.
I am laying out a simple quadrant that will help you and your institution, small or large, come up with a workable plan for social media. This is a tool that could be applied to an individual as well. From a handyman to a healthcare institution, this could be used as a starting point.

Step 1:
List what type of engagement you are trying to get along the “x axis”.

Step 2:

List who you are trying to reach along the “y axis” – Audience.

The picture  gives you an example that shows a starting point for a hospital (or any other organization) 

Step 3:
Fill the quadrants with goals that fall under the cell. In the picture above, you will see Ambulatory marketing falling under “patient and patient family (audience) and informational outreach (type of engagement)”

Step 4:
The final step is to identify the technologies that will be used to accomplish the appropriate need identified in step 3. See picture that clearly shows what technology to use to accomplish specific goals. In some cases, it lists the “success” models that we could emulate, like Khan Academy.


Using this model, helps you have a meaningful conversation with the marketing department and help navigate the technologies meaningfully, rather than starting with “OK, now we have Pinterest, what are we doing with it?”.